Järvenskolan Tallås bibliotek tackar för ett intensivt 2017 och ser redan nu fram mot 2018!
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Det här är en märklig roman. Helena Dahlgrens debutbok Orkidépojken handlar om Hanna och Zeb, två ungdomar som vill att livet bara ska börja. Och det ska det göra så fort skolan är slut. Sommaren går åt till fest och arbete på kyrkogården. Dessutom ägnas mycket tid till serien Twin Peaks, som körs på repeat hemmavid. Samtidigt är det också berättelsen om Lina, som försvann, och om Orkidépojken, som ingen vet vem det är, men som har en märklig blogg där han skriver om sin ensamhet och sina orkidéer. Historien berättas av Hanna, men där finns även utdrag ur Linas dagbok, som Hanna av någon anledning fått efter det att Lina försvann. Orkidépojkens blogginlägg återkommer också. På något sätt är de alla sammanknutna. Något verkar också finnas i skogarna i Tyresö, där historien utspelas. Men vad? Orkidépojken är en vild roman. Helena Dahlgren har en skön känsla för språket, det är flytande och helt fantastiskt. Hannas, Lina och Orkidépojkens verkligheter flätas sakta ihop....
När hundarna kommer i ny version
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En av mina favoritböcker från 2015 har nu kommit i en ny version. Det är Jessica Schiefauers När hundarna kommer som nu släppts i snabbläst version. Snabblästa versioner är en bearbetning av texten som gör den mer lättläst. Själva historien finns i stort sett kvar. Flera böcker har fått samma behandling på senare tid, bland annat biografierna Gul utanpå av Patrik Lundberg och Sebbe Staxx självbiografi Musiken, brotten, beroendet . Det känns lite annorlunda att besöka När hundarna kommer igen. Meningarna är kortare, mer avskalat utan att historien förändras. Det fungerar väldigt bra och jag känner väl igen mig i historien. Jag hoppas att någon som kanske tvekat att läsa originalversionen nu kan ta chansen att läsa en riktigt bra och viktig bok! //Björn
Flickan på hotellet
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När en tjej hittas mördad på ett hotell blir sextonåriga Alexandra (eller Alex, som hon kallas) nyfiken på vad som hänt. Skolan har precis haft ett möte om hur killarna på skolan behandlar tjejerna (men det är bara tjejerna som är med på det mötet), och när den unga tjejen hittas död kan inte Alex låta bli att engagera sig. Tillsammans med sin kompis Bianca börjar hon lägga ihop alla ledtrådar de kan hitta. De letar på sociala medier efter spår, och Alex försöker dra information ur sin bonusmamma, som är polis. Alex börjar dessutom jobba extra på hotellet där mordet skedde för att på nära håll försöka hitta fler spår. Det verkar som att någon har stämt träff med tjejen på hotellet. Men vem är det? Och vad är den personen beredd att göra? Katarina Wennstam har skrivit både skönlitteratur och facklitteratur. Ofta har hon fokus på hur kvinnor behandlas i samhället. Den här boken är inget undantag. Det är bra och viktiga diskussioner som vi behöver mer av. Själva deckargåtan är spännan...
Ängeln och sparven
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Det här är en självbiografi över Ali Zardadis första tid i Sverige. Han kom hit som ensamkommande flyktingbarn från Afghanistan tidigt 2016 och går nu gymnasiet i Sverige. Boken är mycket kort, bara knappt 50 sidor. I korta, ibland nästan poetiska, kapitel får vi veta mycket om Alis första tid i Sverige: hans tacksamhet för att få vara här, hans försök att förklara för sin mor vad en "tunnelbana" är och hans möten med nya personer och det nya språket, som han tycker verkar svårt att behärska. Det här är en viktig liten bok, som ger röst och bakgrund åt de som kommer hit och som av vissa ses som enbart ett problem. Här finns drömmar, tankar, vilja. Det faktum att Ali varit så kort tid i Sverige och väljer att ge ut sina erfarenheter i bokform vittnar om någon som vill förklara, hjälpa oss att förstå. Jag tyckte om den här lilla boken. Det är intressant att få följa en persons tankar om Sverige och hur det är att komma hit. Jag hoppas att Ali fortsätter skriva och att vi f...
Idag är allt
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Det här är en underbar bok om Natasha och Daniel, som träffas av en slump i New York. Natasha är papperslös och ska utvisas, Daniel är på väg till en intervju för att försöka komma in på Harvard. I väntan på sina respektive möten börjar de prata och upptäcker mer och mer hos varandra. Daniel är mer intresserad av poesi än att bli läkare, som hans familj vill, och hans tro på kärlek och poesi förvånar Natasha, som är lite mer cynisk och naturvetenskapligt inriktad. Berättande växlar mellan de två huvudpersonerna, men med finns också berättelserna om människorna omkring dem: vi får veta mer om Natashas och Daniels familjer och vilka drömmar och förhoppningar de haft, om säkerhetsvakten på byggnaden som Natasha besöker, om mannen som nästan kör över dem vid ett övergångsställe. Det finns även kapitel om bland annat hår och jamaicansk kultur. Allt som Natasha och Daniel rör sig kring och rör vid blommar upp i en egen berättelse; allt har en egen historia. Låter det rörigt? Kanske, men re...
Nobelpriset i litteratur
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Årets Nobelpris i litteratur delades ut idag. I år tilldelas priset den brittiske författaren Kazuo Ishiguro, med följande motivering: "som i romaner med stark känslomässig verkan har blottat avgrunden under vår skenbara hemhörighet i världen". Kazuo Ishiguro är född 1954 i Naga saki i Japan. Familjen flyttade till England 1960. Bland romanerna som Ishiguro skrivit märks kanske främst Återstoden av dagen som blivit film. Senare böcker är Never let me go och Begravd jätte , som är hans senaste bok. Ishiguro kommenterade priset så här: "Det är en ära som tar andan ur mig, jag får nu vandra längs med samma stig som några av historiens största författare har vandrat före mig". Källor: http://www.svenskaakademien.se/press/nobelpriset-i-litteratur-ar-2017 https://www.svt.se/kultur/bok/kazuo-ishiguro-det-ar-en-stor-ara https://www.svt.se/kultur/bok/det-har-ar-kazuo-ishiguro //Björn
Boktips till sommaren, del 3
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Idag är det avslutningsdag för våra elever, och vi ger de sista boktipsen för den här terminen. Den första är en klassiker: Bilbo, eller Bort och hem igen av J.R.R. Tolkien. Det är historien om hur Bilbo Bagger får följa med ett gäng dvärgar och trollkarlen Gandalf i jakt på draken Smaugs skatter. På vägen stöter Bilbo bland annat på varelsen Gollum, som har en fantastisk ring som Bilbo lyckas hitta och få med sig. Ringen gör sin bärare osynlig, men har ett större syfte. Hur det går med ringen berättas senare i trilogin Härskarringen (eller Sagan om Ringen ). Läs den trilogin också! Nästa tips blir även det en fantasy-trilogi (passar jättebra att läsa trilogier under sommaren när det finns mycket tid!). Serien heter Trolldomens tre skrifter och är skriven av John Stephens. Den första boken i serien heter Smaragdernas bok . Den handlar om tre syskon som skickas mellan olika barnhem. Till slut hamnar de i den märkliga staden Cambridge Falls där de får lära sig mer om varför de l...
Boktips till sommaren, del 2
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Dags för del 2 av våra sommartips! Det första tipset är att läsa Ingelin Angerborns böcker. Hon har skrivit en hel del böcker som handlar om det övernaturliga, som börjar krypa in i den verkliga världen. Det är ofta så att huvudpersonerna i hennes böcker inte riktigt vet vad de ska tro om det som händer - är det på riktigt eller inte? Hon är känd för exempelvis boken Rum 213 , som även kommit som film tidigare i år. Uppföljaren till Rum 213 heter Sal 305 , och i maj kom den sista delen om Elvira, som huvudpersonen i böckerna heter. Den sista boken heter Fyr 137 . Vi tipsar även om Harry Potter-böckerna. Bara så att ni inte glömmer de fantastiska böckerna om Harry. Den första heter Harry Potter och de Vises sten . Läs dem, ni kommer inte att ångra det. Har ni läst dem, läs om dem! Missa inte de nya upplagorna med vackra illustrationer I morgon kommer den tredje och sista delen av sommartipsen!
Boktips till sommaren
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Tallåsskolans biblioteksgrupp har satt ihop en liten lista över boktips till sommarlovet. De kommer upp på bloggen här under de närmsta dagarna. Först ut är en lite äldre bok, Tiga är guld av Cannie Möller. Den handlar om Lisa, som bestämmer sig för att vara helt tyst och inte säga ett ord till sin pappa förrän han låter henne åka tillbaka till sin mamma. Men i byn finns Mohammed, som förändrar allt. Cannie Möller har skrivit böcker sedan tidigt 1980-tal, ofta handlar de om viktiga ämnen och kärlek. Just Tiga är guld kom ut 1991. Nästa tips är serien Spejarens lärling - de första åren . Den första boken i den serien är Tornerspelen i Gorlan . De här böckerna utspelar sig innan serien Spejarens lärling . I den här serien får vi följa Halt på väg mot att bli den bäste spejaren i landet. Toppenbra fantasy! Vi tipsar givetvis också om serierna Spejarens lärling och Broderband som utspelar sig i samma värld. I morgon kommer det fler tips!
Författarbesök på skolan
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Camilla Jönsson 3-4/5 hade vi författaren Camilla Jönsson på besök hos oss på Tallåsskolan. Hon besökte alla våra elever i årskurs 7 och pratade om sina böcker. Men framför allt pratade hon om skräck och vad som gör oss rädda. Eleverna fick berätta vad de associerar med skräck, hitta på bra platser där en skräckhistoria kan utspela sig, vilka monster som kan vara med samt hitta på bra titlar. Alla fick också pröva på att skriva sin egen korta skräckhistoria. Vi tackar Camilla för två fullspäckade och roliga dagar! //Björn Titlar, platser och monster som kan vara med i en skräckhistoria Lite av det som eleverna som associerar med skräck
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Igår hade vi premiär för en bokcirkel på Tallåsskolan. Det var fem engagerade elever och en bibliotekarie som tillsammans diskuterade Tahereh Mafis dystopiska framtidsroman Rör mig inte ! om Juliette, som kan döda en människa om hon rör vid någon. Vi som var där tyckte bra om den. Historien är intressant och den är skrivet på ett annorlunda sätt, där delar av huvudpersonen Juliettes tankar är överstrukna, som att hon inte får tänka dem. //Björn
Stadsbibblans blogg
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Ni vet väl att Katrineholms stadsbibliotek har en egen blogg? Den heter Bubblan i bibblan och där presenterar bibliotekariernas boktips och gör lite reklam för vad som händer på stadsbiblioteket och Kulturhuset Ängeln. Den här veckan är det jag som har hand om bloggen och det blir flera recensioner av nya, riktigt bra böcker. Hittills den här veckan har jag skrivit om Lögnernas träd och Nattgästen . Imorgon pratar jag om Våra kemiska hjärtan och veckan avslutas med en recension av Wink, Poppy, Midnight. Kanske hittar du en ny favorit bland dem? Missa inte tipsen från de andra bibliotekarierna, vi har alla olika smak så det blir tips om allt möjligt. Trevlig läsning! //Björn
Diary of a wimpy kid
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Diary of a wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney The main character is Greg Heffley, who may be from 11-13 years old, and his family with his dad, mom and his brother Rodrick who live together. It’s the first year of middle school for Greg and Rowley where weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. Greg is happy to have Rowley as a friend but when he starts to rise on the popularity list then he wants to use it to his own advantage and that will test their friendship in hilarious ways. Rodrick gives advice to Greg how to survive middle school and then he tries to teach that to Rowley because he thinks that he's lame and childish. The front page is very simple. There is only a white page with black and white colours. It's a drawn boy that looks very sad with a backpack. I chose this book just because I have seen the movie of the book and I found it very funny so I said let's give it a try. My expectations were that it was going to be a comedy boo...
Diary of a wimpy kid
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Diary of a wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney My opinion on this book is that it is an average book. It’s is kind of a slow book and the jokes are so bad they are super dry. I recommend the book to people that have bad sense of humor. The book is about Greg, that has a friend Rowley. that is a bit stupid. He is very scared and his parents get very angry at him for doing bad stuff like playing video games that are not for his age. And then Greg gets grounded by his parents. Greg kind of gets bullied at school by kids that are bigger than him. That's when he wants to be hall security and he feels safer then, because if you bully a hall security you get banned from school. Greg wants to become the class clown, but he doesn't get any votes from his class, but his friend gets all the votes instead. Greg starts to get mad at him for getting all the votes. Greg and his best friend don't get along that good anymore so the are not gonna be hanging out for sometime. It's like a bre...
Straight punch
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Straight punch by Monique Polak. It takes place in a little town in America in the year 2014. The story is about a 17 year old girl named Tessa McPhail who has recently been expelled from her old school and now has to go to a last-chance school named New Directions. It is a small school with only 12 students, Tessa being one of them. The new school has a special schedule where half of the day is normal studies and the other half is boxing. They train boxing everyday because the gym teacher “Big Ron” says that it gives the students more character and self-confidence. The only main character is Tessa McPhail. She is 17 years old with burgundy colored hair. She hates violence, because when she was 11 years old she and her mom were going out to eat when they were caught up in the middle of a riot after a football game. The riot scarred Tessa for life. In my opinion the book is really good, it’s one of the few books that I have enjoyed recently. The characters are all great with p...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School
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Diary of a wimpy kid: Old school by Jeff Kinney I’ve read a bo ok called Old school by Jeff Kinney which is about this one guy named Greg Heffley, who is just an average kid from the USA. In this book his town voluntarily unplugs and goes totally electronic free. And he starts thinking about the good old days, was it better back then? He’s not quite used to the old fashioned world, and that’s pretty much what the book is all about. He goes on some kind of school trip, and he doesn’t have any electronics at all. And it’s just a matter of time how long he’s gonna last. The book itself is a comedy I’d say just because there are like all those kinds of different jokes and stuff in the book you might notice reading it. The front is pretty simple. It’s just Greg standing with a radio and some kind of vvs for some reason, probably because of the title, that it’s supposed to feel a little more old school. Like I said there are all those inside jokes or whatever at certain places that you...
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
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Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood by Oliver Bowden I have read the book Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood by Oliver Bowden. The book is about Ezio Auditiore and the brotherhood that he belongs to, the assassins. Ezio is trying to protect the brotherhood at the same time as he is looking for some sort of godly artifacts, this is the mission he got from a god and this god decided that he was worthy of this task. All the Assassin’s creed books are based on the Assassin’s creed games which is interesting, people say that the books have a strong connection to the games which is true. If you have ever played one of the games you would almost notice this immediately. This book is definitely action packed and if you like when stuff happens all the time I would greatly recommend it, of course it would be a bonus if you have played the game and liked it. It makes the experience a whole lot better. If I had to rate this book I would give it 8/10 since I have played the games and I really didn’t need ...
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Snapshot by Robert Swindells I’ve read a book that is called Snapshot . It’s a very short book with only 50 pages. The main character is named Alfie Gott, He seems to be a teenager living in northern Britain. You don’t really get to know him too well. The way the author writes makes me think that he’s from northern Britain, maybe Scotland. He uses a couple of slang words that seems very “Scottish” And it’s a bit hard to understand sometimes. I think the genre is kind of a thriller, because there’s a lot of action in the book. The story begins with Alfie getting a new camera for his birthday, and when he went out to take some pictures he accidentally witnessed a robbery on a jewelry store. He took out his new camera and shot some pictures of the robbery and one of the robbers saw him. Alfie then got interviewed by some policemen. He didn’t tell them about the camera. Later when he started to walk home he noticed he was getting followed by one of the robbers. He figured out that the ro...
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
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Harry Potter and the goblet of fire by J.K. Rowling The book is about Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and their fourth year at Hogwarts. This is the fourth book out of seven in this series. Harry gets chosen to the Triwizard Tournament although he didn’t put his name into the goblet of fire. The story takes place at Hogwarts a school for wizards and witches. Hogwarts is an old castle were students between 11 and 17 years study. The book takes place in 1995 and 1996. In the story Harry went to the quidditch world cup to watch the game between Belgium and Ireland. He was joining his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley with his sister, two brothers and Ron's dad who had gotten free tickets for the game. The game is a competition between two teams and one player in each team are supposed to take the golden snitch to end the game. I think the book is good even though it is pretty much text in this book with over 600 pages. I think that the author...
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Wave by Paul Dowswell This book is about two brothers that live in a town called Hastings in the UK. The two brothers (Charlie & Eddie) clear out their grandmother's attic and second a picture which they show to their grandmother. Upon seeing this she tells them about the other half of this book. The other half of this book takes place 100 years earlier at the battle of the Somme during the rst world war where two brothers (Charlie & Eddie) are part of the first wave. Not so much is told about the main characters, but the book says that Eddie really wants to join the army (present time Eddie). The front of the book is fairly simple only having the colors black, red and grey. At the top of the book you have the books name and on the bottom you have the author's name. In the middle you have a bird sitting on a line of barbed wire. My thoughts on Wave is that even though it’s very short it still has a good story in it. The reason to as why I chose this book is because I ...
Årets ALMA-pristagare
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Bild från alex.se Årets pris till Astrid Lindgrens minne, ALMA-priset går i år till den tyske illustratören och bilderboksförfattaren Wolf Erlbruch. Han får priset med motiveringen: ”Wolf Erlbruch gör viktiga livsfrågor tillgängliga och hanterbara för läsare i alla åldrar. Med humor och värme djupt rotad i en humanistisk grundsyn visar hans verk det lilla i det stora. Han behärskar mästerligt sin teckningskonst och bottnar i en lång tradition samtidigt som han öppnar nya kreativa fönster. Wolf Erlbruch är en omsorgsfull visionär.” Wolf Erlbruch är född 1948 och känd för böcker som Det var det fräckaste! och Anden, döden och tulpanen . Han har tidigare fått det tyska Jugendliteraturpreis och Hans Christian Andersen award. Läs mer om Wolf Erlbruch, priset och tidigare pristagare på ALMA:s hemsida. Källor: Alma.se. "Wolf Erlbruch tilldelas Litteraturpriset till Astrid Lindgrens minne 2017". [http://www.alma.se/sv/Pristagare/Wolf-Erlbruch-tilldelas-Litteraturpr...
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Emma by Jane Austen. The story about Emma Woodhouse takes place somewhere in England, I believe on the countryside. Due to the author being alive in the late 1700's to early 1800’s the story about Emma also takes place in that time. The main character is Emma Woodhouse, a rich girl who everyone seems to like and finds charming. Though from what I’ve read she seems like a bitch, she doesn’t think before she acts and the way she acts and speaks makes me feel like she thinks she’s “above” everyone else in her surroundings. She also likes to match her friends and others with suitable matches, but thinks the idea of herself getting married soon is highly unthinkable, at least in the beginning. There are some other characters such as Emma's friend Harriet, George Knightly and a girl named Jane and some more. I chose this book because I’ve heard a lot of great things about the author, Jane Austen. And that’s the only reason I decided to read it. Jane Austen is often referred t...
Heir of Fire
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Heir of Fire , Sarah J. Maas Celaena has served two years as assassin to the king of the country of Adarlan. In this book her mission is to assassinate the prince of Wendlyn of the land of Fea. Much of the book is how she is going to do it and a battle of fighting the feeling she has to people around her. The world is a fantasy place with magic beasts of imagination. The world is around the medieval time, with kings and queens that lead a land more and there is a big problem with poorness in the lands. The plot is what Celaena will do and a battle of love and dark memories that haunt her. Celaena is tall and slim built. She has snow white hair and pale skin. Her eyes are the deepest turquoise. Her personality is boyish and rude, but when you have gotten to know her, she can be the sweetest thing. She has a weakness when it comes to clothes. The front page is a white background and Celaena standing with a bow. The letters are big and in gold. I like the first two books that end in a c...
No Game No Life
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No Game No Life by Yü Kamiya The book is about two siblings, a girl named Shiro and her older brother Sora. They have never been defeated in any game, but one day they get an email from an anonymous sender challenging them to a game of chess, after they beat the challenger they get sent to another world where everything is decided in games. The genre is mostly game, comedy, fantasy, strategy and action, well it depends on what you consider action. It’s not action fight’s, but more like epic moments. The beginning of the story takes place on earth but the rest of the book takes place on the planet Disboard, the fantasy world that they are transported to by the god Tet. The sibling try to conquer the world and beat the god Tet in a game. However they have to overcome many challenges and hardships to do it. The older brother Sora is Eighteen years old and he wears a T-shirt with the words “I <3 ppl” on it, jeans and unkempt black hair.The little sister Shiro who is ten years old, sh...
Ferals: The Swarm Descends
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Ferals by Jacob Grey This time I have read a book called Ferals: The Swarm Descends by Jacob Grey, And this is the second book in his Ferals series. This series is a trilogy and that means it has three books in total. I myself have only read the first and now this one. I’m gonna read the third as soon as possible because I think it’s a really good story in them and that they aren’t that hard to read. Not too many pages and the writing lines aren’t too small either. This second book has 279 pages and I don’t personally think it’s so many because I enjoy reading this series so much. I would say that this is a fantasy/humour/adventure/a little romance series, because things are happening in the books that aren’t "normal". For example that there are ferals. The book is about Caw who is a feral, which means that he can control and talk to a specific animal. In his case it is crows he can talk to and he can control them, as I said. And in this book he is trying to figure out...
Fantastic Beasts and where to find Them: the Original Screenplay
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Fantastic beasts and where to find them: The original screenplay Author: J.K Rowling By Felicia Björkroth, 9k2 My book is a fantasy book about a man called Newt Scamander. He is from England, but travels to New York to buy a magical beast. He owns a case full of magical creatures and beasts that he takes care of. Newt doesn’t really follow all the American rules for wizards and witches because the rules aren’t really the same as in England. A lot of beasts escapes and he has to find them again. He gets help by a no-maj (Non-magical person) named Jacob Kowalski and the witch sisters Queenie and Tina Goldstein. Together they find the creatures but they don’t know they’re in danger when a very dangerous magical force is about to destroy New York. I love Harry Potter and because of that I really enjoyed this book. I learned a lot more about the magical creatures in J.K Rowling’s world. I also learned more about the wizarding world in America. The book is written like a script....
Cabin Fever
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Diary of a wimpy kid, Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney The book is about Greg Heffley and his life in school, at home, and about all things that are happening around him. This book is like a reality/diary book. He can sometimes be very upset with things. It's written in first person perspective. Diary of a wimpy kid is a big series by Jeff Kinney. It’s famous all over the world. It’s famous because of it’s accurate humor. In this book, Greg Heffley (main character) tells about bullies in, and outside school. About his friends being bullied and about him being bullied by older boys in school. This is around christmas, so he tells about different Christmas stories that have happened to him. The big thing in this book is that something on the school property has been destroyed by someone or some people. But Greg Heffley is the prime suspect, for some reason. The authorities will catch up with him soon. Jeff Kinney, the author, was born on February 19, 1971 Fort Washington, Maryl...
The Witches
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The Witches by Roald Dahl These past few weeks I have been reading a book titled The Witches by the infamous English-Norwegian author Roald Dahl, who has written several other very well-known books in the past. They have been translated to many different languages all over the world. Books such as Matilda , James and the Giant Peach , Fantastic Mr. Fox and last but not least Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which arguably, is his biggest and most popular book he’s ever written. The plot is about an English-Norwegian young boy and his parents, who are going on their annual vacation to Norway to visit the boy’s grandmother. Whilst driving across the Norwegian countryside they landslide and collide into another car, dealing a devastating blow to the car and killing both parents in the process. As specified in the parents’ will, the grandmother now has full custody over the boy and he has to come live with her in Norway, until she decides it’s best for them to move back to his o...
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Wings: Spitfire take to the skies by Tom Palmer It’s about a boy called Greg who lives near an old airfield in Great Britain. He is on a football summer school, but he doesn’t like it and he just wants to play games. He got homework to ask Steve, the owner of the house he lives in to tell him about the airfield. Steve tells him it is an old RAF airfield from WW2. One night Greg woke up in the middle of the night and started painting a spitfire model that he got from Steve, but then he heard a sound and looked out of his window and he started to dream that he was in a Spitfire and in the middle of a dogfight in WW2. The story takes place in Great Britain. The main character is Grzegorz Tomaszewski, but he is called Greg and he is from Poland. He is 12 years old and he is on a football summer school but he is not interested in it anymore. The front page has a spitfire flying pretty close to the ground and someone with a pilot suit looking up at it which I believe is Greg I think it’s ...
The Front Room
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The book is called The front room and it's written by Michelle Magorian. The book is about Hannah and her family and they are on a holiday, but it's not a regular holiday, not for Hannah, because she says that it is a holiday from hell. She thinks that her room is haunted and she is right about it because her room is haunted. Hannah describes that when she is sleeping she feels that something is coming closer and closer to her but when she opens the light it's like gone! She doesn't know what it is yet, but she will know it soon. The main character is Hannah, who has dark curly hair, big eyes and is short. The book takes place in Hanna’s room, on the beach and at a police station. The book is a thriller, because there are always happening things in the book and it has a big mystery. The characters in the book want to find out what it is and they will do that. The author has titled the book The front room and under the title it says “please let me wake up soon…” ...
The Greatest Show of All
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The greatest show of all by Jane Eagland Jane Eagland started writing books when she was quite old and she is around 50 years now. She was born in Essex in England and worked as a teacher teaching English for many years. She got a bit bored of teaching so she started writing books instead. She has also written a book called Wildthorn . She has dedicated the book The greatest show of all to a person called Selina Pratt. I don’t know who this person is, maybe it is a friend of Jane’s? It's about a girl named Kitty who loves horses and she lives with her father and I think she has a brother who is gone. It doesn’t say in the book where Kitty’s mother is. One day Kitty felt angry and not welcome at the stable, so she ran away to a circus and tried to get a job there. She met a boy called Fred. He was going to help her to get a job at the circus. Fred's family owns the circus. When I first looked at the front I thought it was a fantasy book. The girl on the front page looked ...
Fuzzy Mud
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I have read the book Fuzzy mud , which is written by Louis Sachar. The book Fuzzy mud is about Tamaya and Marshall who are two students who go to a school called “Woodrige Academy”. It is a private school in the US. Tamaya and Marshall are two school years apart, but they walk together to and from school. This is because Tamaya is not allowed to walk to and from school by herself. Marshall is constantly getting bullied by another student in his class for no real reason. This student is called Chad. One day marshall was threatened by Chad to meet at a place they go through to get home, it was normally unavoidable to pass through there. That day he suddenly knows a shortcut through the forest that is behind the school. That forest is forbidden to walk through because of the supposed dangers in it. Tamaya and Marshall walk through the forest; they get lost. When they are a bit into the forest Tamaya sees some mud but it has a fuzzy looking coating. Somehow Chad finds them in the forest...
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Carrie by Stephen King The book is about Carrie who is a clumsy girl in high school. She never gets jokes and she's odd and is bullied by her classmates. But Carrie has hidden powers that nobody knows about. By concentrating she can make things levitate and other things. Her religious mother thinks it´s a gift from the devil and that it should be hidden. On the schools prom Carrie got pranked and she released her full power in despair and the result is devastating. Carrie was written by Stephen King and was published in 1974. It is Stephen King's first written book and it was his best selling books. It's in the horror genre. The book was written in a weird way with some extracts from police interrogations and scientific publications. It's a bit weird when the story switches to a science text about telekinetic powers but i got used to it in time. The book is pretty gory and it has a strong language. Carrie has been made to two films one in 1976 and one in 2013. ...
A Clash of Kings
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A Clash of Kings is a book written by George R. R. Martin, and is the second book in the series of “A Song of Ice and Fire”, which has been adapted into the famous TV-series “Game of Thrones”. It is a fantasy book with action, war, mystery and the politics of nobles. It is a long book at 969 pages and a lot of characters. A reason I really like this series is the way the people of the book think and that the actions each character makes fits just that character. One of the things that I actually like is that the books are not written so that the main characters are always going to survive. Even though I like books, movies, etc. with that one hero that is strong and wins over evil I enjoyed this series’ multiple characters and the “more talk less fight”, because when they do fight someone is probably going to die. You follow different characters from the noble houses of the four continents in this medieval world: Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos and Ulthos. Each chapter is from a different ...
Call the midwife
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Call the midwife is the first book in a series, based on real encounters and experiences of Jennifer Worth. The book is essentially Jennifer’s, or as she refers to herself Jenny’s, memoirs describing her life in her early twenties when she was a hard working midwife in the East End of London. At this time she was living in and working for Nonnatus house, and in the book she tells about her colleagues, friends and even patients. She gives a very broad and clear perspective of how hard times were during the 1950s. Less than a decade had passed since the second world war had ended and it had left some deep scars in especially the East end of London. Throughout the book Jenny tells different stories of how she and the other midwives had to deliver many babies in houses where there weren't any running water and how babies were born in slum conditions. It becomes obvious how difficult it was for the majority of the middle- and working class families, trying to make ends meet in povert...
Never, never
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Today I've read a book that was recommended to me a while ago, but I haven't had the chance to get around to it until now. The book's called Never, never and is written by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. The book is about Charlie and Silas, who both realise, practically at the same time, that they've lost their memory. They can't remember anything beyond a certain point; it's as if they both suddenly woke up from a black-out with no memory of anything whatsoever. They know some facts, like how the GPS works in a car or who a certain celebrity is, but their own lives seem gone. Carefully, the try to piece together their own history. Who it really is that they're speaking with the corridor at school, where they live and what their families look like. Both understand from what others tell them that they used to be together, but aren't any more. None of them understand why, since it's obvious to them that they really seem to like each other. Th...
Vandraren utan ansikte
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En bok som kom förra året och som jag inte läst förrän nu är Vandraren utan ansikte av Andreas Palmaer. Det är en novellsamling med 13 kortare berättelser som alla hör till genren skräck. Flera av historierna känner jag igen från creepypastas, historier som sprids på Internet och som påstås vara sanna (men som förhoppningsvis inte är det). En berättelse, som är ett samtal mellan en jagad pojke och polisen som tar emot samtalet, handlar om karaktären Slender man, som dessutom syns på bokens omslag. Historierna är relativt korta, och mellan varje historia finns ytterligare en kort historia på bara några meningar. De små historierna lyckas också vara bra skräckhistorier i sig. Jag tycker att boken höll bra klass rakt igenom. Historierna är korta och lättlästa, men ändå med ett bra språk. Andreas Palmaer har skrivit flera böcker på lätt svenska och kan konsten att skriva bra utan att krångla till språket. Så för alla som är som jag och inte får nog av skräckberättelser är det...
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En bok som jag verkligen väntat på att den skulle komma ut är Camilla Lagerqvists Spetälskesjukhuset . Jag tyckte mycket om hennes förra bok, Den vita döden , som kom ut 2016. Det jag hoppades på var att den här boken skulle vara minst lika bra. Och det var den. Spetälskesjukhuset börjar med Elly, som är på besök under sommaren hos sin farmor i Järvsö i Hälsingland. I närheten av där de bor ligger ett gammalt spetälskesjukhus där patienter med spetälska (eller lepra, som det oftast heter nu för tiden) fick behandling. Sjukhuset används inte för att bota de med spetälska längre, utan har gjorts om till ett vårdhem. Alla patienter på vårdhemmet är ute på resa, och Elly kan inte låta bli att tänka på det gamla huset. Till slut vågar hon ge sig dit för att utforska det. När hon väl är där träffar hon på Saga, en flicka som ser ut att ha just spetälska. Saga blir också väldigt förvånad över Elly, eftersom Elly är helt säker på att det är år 2017. Saga hävdar att det är 1932! ...
10 bra böcker under 2016
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Med eleverna tillbaka och julpyntningen nertagen försöker vi sammanfatta 2016. Det kom ut en hel del bra böcker under året, allt från fantasy till böcker om identitet och kön. Kul att det är stor spridning på ämnena! Här är en snabb lista med 10 böcker som stod ut lite extra för mig under året som var: 1. Ingenting och allting, av Nicola Yoon 2. Vi är en, av Sarah Crossan 3. Askfödd, av Sabaa Tahir 4. Du, bara, av Anna Ahlund 5. Boet, av Kenneth Oppel 6. Ormbunkslandet, av Elin Bengtsson 7. Glastronen, av Sarah J. Maas 8. Hemsökta, av Magnus Nordin 9. Bara tre ord, av Becky Albertalli 10. Pojken på bergets topp, av John Boyne