Straight punch

Straight punch by Monique Polak.

It takes place in a little town in America in the year 2014.

The story is about a 17 year old girl named Tessa McPhail who has recently been expelled from her old school and now has to go to a last-chance school named New Directions. It is a small school with only 12 students, Tessa being one of them. The new school has a special schedule where half of the day is normal studies and the other half is boxing. They train boxing everyday because the gym teacher “Big Ron” says that it gives the students more character and self-confidence.

The only main character is Tessa McPhail. She is 17 years old with burgundy colored hair. She hates violence, because when she was 11 years old she and her mom were going out to eat when they were caught up in the middle of a riot after a football game. The riot scarred Tessa for life.

In my opinion the book is really good, it’s one of the few books that I have enjoyed recently. The characters are all great with problems that make them relatable.

The book to me is a 8/10.

"Boy in year 9"


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Recension: När hundarna kommer, av Jessica Schiefauer

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