The Front Room

The book is about Hannah and her family and they are on a holiday, but it's not a regular holiday, not for Hannah, because she says that it is a holiday from hell. She thinks that her room is haunted and she is right about it because her room is haunted. Hannah describes that when she is sleeping she feels that something is coming closer and closer to her but when she opens the light it's like gone! She doesn't know what it is yet, but she will know it soon.
The main character is Hannah, who has dark curly hair, big eyes and is short.
The book takes place in Hanna’s room, on the beach and at a police station.
The book is a thriller, because there are always happening things in the book and it has a big mystery. The characters in the book want to find out what it is and they will do that.
The author has titled the book The front room and under the title it says “please let me wake up soon…” with small letters. I think that the illustrator of this book wanted to get like scary and mystic thoughts about this book. Because when you look at the front it gives you feelings like that. The illustrator has used big dark green letters for the title and kind of black and dark purplish and bluish tones for the background of the cover. A girl is standing middle of it and it's like a big shadow behind her back and a big light in front of her when she opens the door. It says the author's name “Michelle Magorian” with red big letters.
My thoughts about this book are pretty simple. I thought that it was a nice book to read and that it was a bit mysterious when I looked at the front page. That's why I chose the book. My expectations about this book weren't big because it wasn't thick. That shows that the book was going to be short and the story to. I give this book 3/5*. I think that this book is really good for you if you like horror and a little bit of mystery.
Written by a 15 year old girl in 9th grade.
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