Elevrecension: Angel of Venice
Angel of Venice by Mary Hoffman

Angel of Venice is a novel published first in 2014. It's not a part of a series, it's only 95 pages long so it's very easy to read.
They don't describe the characters looks so much, but you can see on the front page how Luca and Fina look. Luca is a 16 year old boy, with ginger hair. He is not a muscular boy, he is narrow comparing to other boys in the same age. Fina is Luca’s neighbour and she is around the same age as Luca. She has dark hair and is also narrow. Angelina is Luca`s dream girl. He thinks that she looks like an angel.
The book takes place in year 1571. In the city Venice. Venice is a large Harbour city in Italy. It’s famous because they have rivers running thru the city which the residents use as streets now days. The city was a important town in the war because they make many big war galleys.
The book starts out on the shipyard with Luca explaining his work as a cleaner. His father and older brothers work as carpenters and makes the huge galleys that is soon going out to fight of the ottomans fleet. One day Luca saw a girl walking by on the road. He fell in love with here immediately. She looked just like an angel, his angel. Luca had always dreamt of being a sailor and going out to sea.
One day when he was trying to impress Angelina threw giving her a fresh picked apricot and she smiled and asked if she could get some more. He went to a rich familjs garden and stole some apricots. He was caught by Angelica’s older brother. He took Luca’s arm and yelled at him, then Angelica came out and her brother to let him go. Luca ran away to the shipyard and slept there overnight. What happens in the morning is to spoiling for the rest of the book so i can't write more.
We chose the book because we thought it looked interesting. The book was quite good. The book was different compared to other books because it was a bit different English from what we are used to, it was British English with an Italian accent. Almost everything in the book was good accept the war. We think it was a little too fast. They didn't write so much about the war accept that Luca saved Daniel Santos life and Nico died. We think that they could have written more about it. We recommend the book to people who likes to read english books and likes adventure and excitement and it's a bit romantic. The romantic scene in the book that we liked is when Luca came home from the war and realised that it was Fina he loved and wanted to have a family with. Fina was the girl who had always been there for him and she always wanted his best. We rate the book 8/10 because we could read the book easily, of course some words were hard to understand due to the British/Italian writing, but we could always figure them out. It was a really good ending when they won the war and he fell in love with Fina and they lived happily ever after.
Two boys from 9h2
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